Staying Safe From Dangerously High THC Levels in Current Cannabis Products
Cannabis is often thought to be less harmful than other drugs. But is that true? Some waxes, oils, and syrups have dangerously high THC levels–close to 100%. But since cannabis is thought to be safer than other types of drugs, these products are often unregulated. For perspective, a high dose of THC is considered 15% or over. Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the average THC content was not even 2%. High doses of cannabis can lead to addiction, poor memory, vomiting, psychosis, a permanent psychiatric disorder, and suicide. Weed is the number one drug used by elementary and high school students, so many parents may have the additional concern of their child using cannabis and being inadver tently exposed to such dangerous levels. With THC levels being so…