Niche publishing is where we got our start over two decades ago. We have grown from publishing one parenting magazine, Toledo Parent News, to six publications in three different markets. For over 25 years, Adams St. Publishing Co. has been the go-to source for cutting-edge, thought provoking information that motivates, informs and enhances our communities and the lives of our readers. We work with local businesses to help them reach the community and drive business.
Toledo Area Parent News
Toledo Area Parent News’ 20-year presence in the Toledo area has established this publication as an essential resource for parents and grandparents, guiding them in their planning and purchasing decisions. Toledo Area Parent News is a trusted resource for information.
Toledo City Paper
Toledo City Paper’s every other week distribution provides advertisers with the perfect mix of frequency and longevity. The two-week shelf life of our publication’s event and music calendars means a high retention among our readers and more exposure for our advertisers.
Ann Arbor Family Press
Ann Arbor Family Press serves as southeast Michigan’s premier parenting resource. A valuable guide for parents, educators and child-care providers, each issue features timely articles on a variety of topics, as well as a monthly comprehensive calendar of family events.
Current Magazine
Current magazine is the definitive monthly source for Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, with the most complete listings for film, art, music and food of any area publication. Our readers are dynamic, quirky, passionate, interested and involved — hardly a vanilla kind of crowd.
Findlay Area Family
Findlay Area Family is distributed through outlets in Hancock County that are frequented by the upscale parent population. Our comprehensive calendar and engaging content makes Findlay Family a must for any area parent or grandparent.
MLiving News
Mature Living provides engaging, informative content every month for readers ages 55 and older, including music, food and theater events, film listings, and housing information. Every month, readers are kept up-to-date on local happenings and health trends, enhancing their living experience in the Toledo region.